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Conversations To Help Break The Silence: Welcome to the BOCA BRAVE Blog-Highlights from the October

The luncheon had great food, great purpose, great conversation, and a great reception for 180 attendees who came together seeking mental health for themselves and others. “We are BRAVE, BOLD, and READY! We’ve prepared a taste of great things to come, with BRAVE women stepping forth to open the conversation. I am proud to be One. And we will be thanking those who support us” said Rita Thrasher, President/CEO of Boca Raton’s Promise. She acknowledged much appreciated relationships with great local partners and acknowledged the need to develop more relationships to accomplish a shared mission to provide education and awareness of mental health needs of citizens in Boca Raton.

“To keep our Promise, we set out to find women willing to speak out about their unseen struggles, fears, pain and the unheard cries for help of those they know. The women will BREAK THE SILENCE that has been around too long rendering them ineffective to identify needs and bring forth change. We remained quiet too long about realities in homes, schools, work, and spiritual communities. Now we speak. ” continued Thrasher, as a long row of women wearing I Am 1 buttons made their way to the front. One by one each briefly shared her personal experience. Conversations continued during lunch as designated Conversation Leaders noted comments to aid in planning of future activities by the I Am 1 women. The event recognized the support of community and school leaders and featured the 2015 Voice Awards presented by the PBC Action Alliance for Mental Health, a project of Boca Raton’s Promise.

Andrea is 1 of 100+ Boca Brave women. She’s is  an advocate and speaks out about the challenges people with brain diseases face in America.

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Andrea Gurvitz

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